The problem.
How to add value to the existing product-portfolio for professional end-users.
The solution.
DPsy Tools
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Through desk research and re-decoding of already available user insights, we identified factors that in a wider societal and systemic perspective impacts a potential organ donor. This examination allowed us to understand the organ donation paradox through a unique lens; revealing a more complete picture, emphasizing not only moral or altruistic motivations but also those group, societal, cultural, institutional and technological dynamics and factors that drive donor decision-making behavior and sign-up rates.
Second, we dived in to the substance matter of individual root causes by exploring peoples different understandings, existential concerns, myths and misconceptions surrounding the organ donation decision making process.
Through Gap-analysis we proceeded to review existing communication material from Sundhedsstyrelsen, identifying both strengths as well as improvement opportunities in SST´s current information architecture, touchpoints, and general communicative efforts.
We developed concrete guidelines for SST on how to best create future information material. We especially focused on opportunities for SST to frame and visualize about organ donation in a transparent and non-technical way; anchoring their communication in an everyday setting, we provided tools to reframe organ donation from an abstract and distant realm to a meaningful, present and identity-shaping matter, increasing sign-up probability by empowering organ donation decision making.
Based on the newly identified root causes, we created tailormade strategic guidelines to support SST´s communication initiatives. In addition, conclusions from our analysis provided SST with a detailed requirement specification list, ensuring the right focus and target for current and future communicative collaborations with both internal and external stakeholders.
Finally, we applied our analytical conclusions to an update and re-launch of both the red “organdonationsfolder” as well as the “relatives folder”.
Rahbeks Alle 21
1801 Frederiksberg C
Phone: +45 4041 4422
CVR nr.: 3969 7831