Do you have X-factor?
Prove the value of your design with effect studies
Your potential customers will only buy your product if they believe in the value that it can give them.
While it is easy to claim the value - it is much harder to back it up with data.
Read about what effect studies are and how to get the most value from them.
Designing Against Zoom Fatigue
In the wake of the covid-19 pandemic, people worldwide needed to switch from face-to-face meetings or lectures to video conferencing. As a consequence, the term ‘zoom fatigue’ was coined.
Learn to speak double diamond - Our best shot at a common language for design!
UX Designers come from all kinds of backgrounds. This means that different professional perspectives naturally come together in design. Unfortunately, this creative potential is often not fully realised because we often lack a shared design language.
How To Create Better Diary Studies, With Workflow and Task Analysis.
Diary studies are often used, expecting that the rich qualitative data will reveal new insights. But they can also be highly time-consuming and effortful for participants to fill in and for researchers to analyse. In this article, we share how we used a structured diary method to find out what really matters to consumers about vacuum cleaners.
✎ By Demet Soyyilmaz and David Hvidbak Østergaard,
April 2022
10 Strategic UX Design Questions answered
Engaging with our professional peers, we see a recurring set of questions and challenges related to Strategic User Experience Design.
These questions and challenges especially pertain to organisations where the UX have grown to a critical mass and is now ready to start impacting the rest of the organisation in a more profound and strategic way. This means moving from a “responsive UX service” in projects to an upfront initiating and driving approach.
Mental Models Matter to Design
Our Basic Interaction with the World - and Thus Design - is Guided by Mental Models
To truly understand people, we need to explore the mental models we use to make sense of the world. Once we know these, we have a profound opportunity to design in a way that integrates profoundly with our basic intuitions. On the flip side, if we don’t understand these, they can make things go really bad in our use of technologies.
Usability Design Sprint
How to Create added value for the users in just five days.
Design sprints comes in various types optimised for solving different design challenges. The usability design sprint focus on optimising the usability of existing design. This can greatly enhance your customer base, create added revenue and help you identify usability selling points.
Squint Your Eyes – and Improve the Usability of Your Design
Use the blur filter, or simply squint your eyes, to make sure that your design is easy and quick to understand visually.
✎ By Marie Louise Holm Møller, Human Factors Consultant.
April 2022
Strategic UX Design
A three-part article about business implementation of UX. From strategy to operational deployment with the right tools
CX, UX and Usability - A Nested relationship
Part one our our three-part series on Strategic UX Design.
How Usability Claims can beat Technical Specifications
Part two of our three-part series on Strategic UX Design.
Usability Dieselgate
The Unintentional ‘Dieselgate’ of Usability Testing: Why Well-Tested Products Fail
✎ By Rune Nørager, Senior Human Factors Specialist.
October 2019
Bound to Fail Again
When We Find the Cause of Errors, We are Bound to Make Them Again
✎ By Thomas Koester, Senior Human Factors Specialist.
January 30th. 2020
Adherence Requires More Than Reminders and Tracking
Non-adherence to medication is a worldwide problem leading to high patient dropout rates, poor health outcomes and increased healthcare costs (1). Statistically, the figures show that nearly one in two patients do not adhere to the treatment prescribed to them, which results in billions of extra dollars spent on hospitalization (2, 3). In order to solve this increasing problem, many companies have turned to mobile technologies to remind and nudge patients to take their medication. These interventions are often based on the assumption that patients simply forget to take their medication, but forgetfulness is only a small part of the picture leading to non-adherence behavior. In this article, we explain why current strategies based on mere forgetfulness fail to solve the problem adequately. The multifactorial approach that we propose is rooted in behavioral psychology and called the Behavioral Mode of Action™ (BMOA™).
Contact us
Design Psychology — UX Campus — UX Lab
DK-1660 Copenhagen V.
+45 4041 4422