Building Usability
Ensuring Efficient Ramp to Optimal Building Performance From Day One
Construction site of the Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, fall 2019.
With new buildings, the work process must include the human factors perspective. That way, we ensure the human “coding” matches the interaction between the building’s usability and work processes. So, as a user, you should have a smooth process of being able to accomplish what you need within the planing of the building.
At Design Psychology we are happy to contribute to the development of the new Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen. The building should work from day one, when it is put into use in 2020. Our role is to facilitate and support a quick ramp up to optimal performance when it comes to the interaction between users, processes, technologies and the built environment.
We base our work on the human factors discipline, which is based on more than 60 years of research and practice.
Examples of deliveries included simulations of critical work processes was systematically undertaken to identify potential building usability friction.
Results from the simulation analysis together with Human Factors insights drove input for multiple critical activities: 1) future processes, 2) coding of the building, 3) training of personnel and 4) design of systems and technology supporting the user journey.
Forløbet med DesignPsykologi har været godt og lærerigt. Ikke mindst i forhold til at få udpeget og beskrevet den – for os - lidt abstrakte ’human factor’ og hvad det helt konkret betyder for samspillet mellem forskellige brugergrupper, arbejdsgange og husets design.
Samarbejdet med DesignPsykologi har været med til at udpege fokusområder for vores videre arbejde og samtidig har vi fået en større fælles bevidsthed i organisationen om menneskets adfærd og adfærdsdesign, så det tænkes ind i den videre opgaveløsning på alle niveauer.
Evy Ottesen, Projektleder & ledende bioanalytiker
Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen (SDCC)
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Learn More
If you want to learn more about the Design Psychology approach to building design please reach out to:
Senior Human Factors Specialist:
Rune Nørager
+45 4041 4422
Further reading:
- Behavior Settings: A revision and extension of Roger G. Barker's Excological Psychology, Schoggen, P (1989), Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA
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