DPsy Study Panel

How to sign up to become part of Design Psychology’s user study panel



Signing up means that you will get an e-mail from us when we recruit study participants for our user studies. The e-mail will inform you that we are recruiting and how to contact us if you are interested in participating in a specific study.

Information you will provide us with

If you want to be contacted by us when plan new studies, you should provide the following contact information:

  • Name (first name and last name)

  • E-mail

  • Phone number

By signing up, you agree that your data (First name, surname, e-mail address and phone number) will be stored in Design Psychology’s participant database and that Design Psychology may contact you through the contact information you provided when we recruit for user studies.

Purpose of the database

The sole purpose of the database is to keep a list of potential user study participants that have accepted and agreed that Design Psychology may contact them to ask if they would be interested to participate in user study.

Your registration in the database is voluntary, and contact information is not sold, revealed or shared with third parties.

Contact points and process

As part of our user study planning, we contact participants from the database through e-mail to inform that a study is being planned and if they would like to participate.

Participation is always voluntary. New study participants will be informed about the scope, study-specific details and payment agreements as part of the sign-up process for each of the planned user studies.

Deleting of data from the database

If you do no longer want to be listed in the database or to be contacted by us as part of new study planning, you can always recall your consent and your data will be deleted from our database.

Request for deletion of data is made through contact to Design Psychology as described here:

Link ☞ https://www.designpsykologi.dk/gdpr